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50th entry (un)spectacular!

This is my 50th diary entry. I feel like I should do something celebratory, but it's come at an odd time. I haven't been, shall we say, in the mood, to toss my deep dark thoughts out into the great electronic beyond. So here, instead, are 50 things I have been in the mood for during my time away from this bastard machine:

1. Spending time with friends

2. Dirty Three merchandise on eBay

3. Tylenol Flu

4. Neko Case - Blacklisted

5. Electric blankets

6. Barfly

7. Sushi

8. Hot showers

9. Sleep

10. Kissing

11. The Sopranos

12. Yoga

13. Making out

14. Bass Ale

15. Pistachio nuts

16. Finished college applications

17. The Smiths

18. Good weather

19. Kurt Vonnegut - God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian

20. Presents

21. Edamame

22. New Year's Eve

23. A heated apartment

24. Tattoos

25. Sex, sex, sex

26. Virginia Woolf - Mrs. Dalloway

27. Late-night grocery shopping

28. Vacation

29. Chocolate-covered granola bars

30. Soulseek

31. A haircut

32. Dance parties

33. One dollar bowling

34. New shoes

35. Jenny Toomey - Tempting

36. My radio show

37. The return of 24

38. My new red sheets

39. Las Vegas

40. First dates, last dates, and everything in between

41. Cleaning house

42. Dirty Three - Lowlands

43. Revising my novel

44. Slumber parties

45. Hair dye

46. Video games

47. Finnegan's Wake

48. Naked hot-tubbing

49. Waking up next to my new boyfriend

50. Writing a novel again

5:40 p.m. 2002-12-30 diaryland